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Sunday, September 13, 2020

धर्म क्या है ? | Dharm kya hai ?

12:36 PM 1

 धर्म क्या है?

धर्म एक संस्कृत शब्द है, इसका शाब्दिक अर्थ है "धारण करने योग्य", अर्थात् सभी गुण जो मानवता के मूल सिद्धान्तों के अनुकूल धारण करने योग्य हों, वो धर्म हैं।

परंतु, धर्म का अर्थ जितना सरल है इसकी विवेचना उतनी ही जटिल।

अब प्रश्न यह उठता है कि मानवता के सिद्धांतों के अनुकूल धारण करने योग्य गुण क्या हैं? इस प्रश्न का उत्तर हमें वेदों में मिलता है, जिनके अनुसार सत्य, अहिंसा, शांति, न्याय इत्यादि मानवता के प्रमुख गुण है।

धर्म की संकल्पना इतनी व्यापक है कि इसका कोई भी पर्यायवाची हमें किसी दूसरी भाषा में देखने को नहीं मिलता। इंग्लिश शब्द रेलीजन अर्थात आस्था एवं विश्वास, हिंदी शब्द सम्प्रदाय और उर्दू शब्द मज़हब अर्थात् एक प्रकार की परंपरा और विचारधारा को मानने वाला समुदाय। शाब्दिक विवशताओं के चलते प्रयोग में तो हैं, परंतु यह सभी धर्म को परिभाषित करने में असमर्थ हैं।

साधारण धारणा के विपरीत हिंदू, सिख, मुस्लिम, ईसाई सभी धर्म न होकर केवल सम्प्रदाय हैं, क्योंकि इनका स्रोत वेदों से पृथक एक पारंपरिक विचारधारा है। एक अपवाद सनातन धर्म है जिसका उद्गम वेद और उपनिषद एवं लक्ष्य जन कल्याण है, अतः इसे धर्म कहना असत्य नहीं है।

वेदों एवं पुराणों में धर्म का मानवीय चित्रण भी मिलता है जो धर्म को परिभाषित करने में सहायक है, जिसके अनुसार धर्म और अधर्म दोनों ही ब्रह्मा के मानस पुत्र हैं।

अधर्म की पत्नी हिंसा हैं और नर्क एवं भय अधर्म के प्रपौत्र हैं।

धर्म की पत्नी अहिंसा हैं और विष्णु धर्म के पुत्र हैं। इसी कारण, श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता में श्री कृष्ण कहते हैं:

"यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्॥

अर्थात् जब-जब धर्म की हानि होती है और अधर्म आगे बढ़ता है, तब मैं धर्म की रक्षा हेतु अवतार लेता हूँ।

सनातन धर्म में पुरुषार्थ के चार स्तंभ बताए गए हैं, धर्म, काम, अर्थ एवं मोक्ष, जिनमें धर्म श्रेष्ठ है। सनातन में धर्म के दस लक्षणों का भी उल्लेख मिलता है जिनमें सत्य, क्षमा, दम, विद्या, अक्रोध आदि प्रमुख हैं।

धर्म विस्तृत है परंतु इसका मार्ग सदा शांति, अहिंसा और उन्नति का मार्ग एवं लक्ष्य जन कल्याण रहा है।

जो सम्प्रदाय को धर्म कहता है वह ज्ञानी है और जो धर्म को विध्वंश का कारक मानता है वो महामूर्ख है।

आज के परिप्रेक्ष्य में देखें, तो ज्ञान के अभाव में धर्म-धर्म न रहकर कुछ अति महत्वकांक्षी विचारधाराओं की लक्ष्य पूर्ति का साधन मात्र रह गया है।

विभिन्न संप्रदाय आत्मकेंद्रित लोलुपताओं के चलते, अनीति का प्रयोग हिंसा, द्वेष, और विघटन के प्रसार हेतु कर रहें हैं और इसे धर्म का मार्ग कह अपनें समुदायों को भ्रमित भी कर रहें हैं।

विद्या के अभाव में जन-साधारण इस धार्मिक एवं राजनीतिक षड्यंत्र को समझने में स्वयं को असमर्थ पा रहा है। भारत में, अज्ञानता के रहते सम्प्रदायिक महत्वकांक्षाओं को धर्म मान प्रतिवर्ष हज़ारों निर्दोष साम्प्रदायिक दंगों की भेंट चढ़ जाते हैं।

इस सृष्टि को आवश्यकता है ज्ञान की, धर्म की, सम्प्रदाय की नहीं। धर्म कहता है, जो अपने अनुकूल न हो ऐसा व्यवहार दूसरों से नहीं करना चाहिए। सम्प्रदाय इसके विपरीत अपनी महत्वकांक्षाओं की पूर्ति हेतु दूसरों का अहित करने में भी संकोच नहीं करता।

बीसवीं शताब्दी में भी, हम उन्हीं पुरानी साम्प्रदायिक कुरीतियों और मान्यताओं में, उलझे हुए हैं। आज मानव धर्म का नाश कर, साम्प्रदायिक ईश्वर की रक्षा हेतु तत्पर है।

श्री कृष्ण महाभारत में कहते हैं:

धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः।

अर्थात् जो धर्म को मारता है, धर्म उसका नाश कर देता है और जो धर्म की रक्षा करता है धर्म उसकी रक्षा करता है।

जो धर्म नहीं है वो अधर्म है, शाश्वत धर्म के लक्षण अहिंसा, विद्या, क्षमा और शांति हैं। सांप्रदायिक स्वार्थ हेतु हिंसा, क्रोध, असत्य और अमैत्री अधर्म है।

धर्म का यह क्षय विश्व प्रगति में रोधक है, जो उन्नति जन-कल्याण हेतु न हो वो अवनति है।

अधिकांश जन-साधारण, अज्ञानता एवं स्वार्थ के वशीभूत हो धर्म की हो रही हानि के लिए उत्तरदायी हैं। शेष जो ज्ञानी हैं परंतु मौन हैं, उनका अपराध और भीषण है। 

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता में श्री कृष्ण अर्जुन से कहते हैं:

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे-युगे

अर्थात्  गुणीजन की रक्षा के लिये और पाप कर्म करनेवाले दुष्टों का नाश करने के लिये एवं धर्म की स्थापना के लिये मैं युग-युग में अवतार लेता हूँ।

स्मरण रहे, ईश्वर का एक रूप प्रकर्ति भी है और उसका कोप कितना भयावह होता है, इसका अनुमान लगाना कठिन नहीं है। फैलती महामारी, ग्लोबल-वार्मिंग, निरंतर आते भूकंप इत्यादि, प्रकर्ति के क्रोध का जीवंत स्वरूप हैं। धर्म से विमुख हो जो व्यक्ति सांप्रदायिक आस्थाओं का चयन करता है प्रकर्ति उसका विनाश कर देती है।

मेरे विचार में, हमें सदा आशावादी रहना चाहिए, यही जीव आधार है, आरंभ कहीं से भी हो सकता है, आवश्यकता है तो महत्वकांशाओं और स्वार्थ से ऊपर उठ धर्म का उद्देश्य समझने की और उसका पालन करने की।

अंत में प्रश्न वही है, धर्म क्या है? मेरे अनुसार उत्तर भी सरल है, जो गुण जन कल्याण हेतु धारण करने योग्य हो, धर्म है...

(विवेक शुक्ला)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

शिक्षा प्रणाली में विद्या का अभाव | Shiksha Pranali Mein Vidya Ka Abhav

10:14 PM 7

शिक्षा प्रणाली में विद्या का अभाव | Shiksha Pranali Mein Vidya Ka Abhav 

शिक्षित होना हमारे व्यक्तित्व विकास के लिए आवश्यक है, छात्रों में बढ़ती प्रतिस्पर्धा इस दिशा की ओर संकेत भी देती है। सारांश में कहें तो शिक्षा प्रणाली के अनुसार अंक प्रतिशत छात्रों की विद्वता का सूचक है और यही वो मानक है जो छात्रों के भविष्य को रेखांकित करता है।

परंतु क्या यह मानक सच में विद्वता को रेखांकित करने में समर्थ है? यदि है, तो प्रतिवर्ष छात्र आत्महत्याओं में बढ़ता प्रतिशत किस ओर संकेत दे रहा है। यदि नही, तो क्या यह कोई भ्रम है जो छात्रों को चिंता का मार्ग दिखा जीवन राह से भटका रहा है? इस प्रश्न का उत्तर अत्यंत जटिल है।
एक प्रश्न और है, वह सत्य में आपको विचलित कर सकता है कि हमारे शिक्षण स्थानों में शिक्षा का तो स्तर है पर क्या विद्या का भी कोई स्थान है?
यदि है, तो मूलतः उसका कोई प्रतिबिंब हमें आजकल बच्चों के आचरण में क्यों नहीं दिखता। यदि नहीं, तो हम शिक्षालय को विद्यालय कह कर अपनी अज्ञानता का प्रसार क्यों करते हैं। हम शिक्षित जनों को विद्वान कहने में संकोच क्यों नही करते और यदि वो विद्वान हैं तो विद्वता कहाँ है?
समस्या का समाधान करना है तो सर्वप्रथम समस्या को पूर्णतः समझना आवश्यक है। बिना परिप्रेक्ष्य समझें हम निवारण हेतु प्रयत्नशील नहीं रह सकते यह मानव प्रवृत्ति है।
मूल प्रश्न यह है कि शिक्षा क्या है? यदि यह विद्या नहीं तो विद्या क्या है? और यदि, साधारण जीवन में शिक्षा का अभाव नहीं है तो विद्या का बोध और अनुसरण क्यों आवश्यक है?
शिक्षा को यदि हम परिभाषित करें तो यह लिखित एवं भौतिक ज्ञान है, यह वो प्रतिलिपि अथवा जानकारी है जिसका अनुसरण कर हम और हमारी सभ्यता आधुनिक उन्नति और प्रगति की दिशा में निरंतर बढ़ती है। भारतवर्ष में होती उन्नति एवं प्रगति हमारे बीच में बढ़ते शिक्षा स्तर का परिचायक है।
हमारे समाज में अधिकांश जनों के लिए यह उन्नति ही जीवन आधार है, उनके लिए ये ही मानवता और सभ्यता के निरंतर अग्रसर होने का सूचक भी है। तो फ़िर, विद्या का स्थान ही कहाँ रह जाता है, यदि इसकी आवश्यकता ही प्रतीत नहीं होती है?
हम शायद यह भूल जाते हैं कि यदि शब्द ज्ञान ही मानवता का परिचायक होता तो इस सृष्टि को कभी विद्वता की आवश्यकता ही न पड़ी होती।
विद्या को यदि हम परिभाषित करें तो पायेंगे कि यह जीव मुक्ति का आधार है। इस के आभाव में सदाचार, मानवीय कर्तव्यों, आत्मबोध, संस्कार, जीवन के उद्देश्य, सही गलत के मध्य भेद कर पाना संभव ही नहीं।

शिक्षा हमें प्रगति और जिज्ञासा तो देती है, परंतु चिंता, अहंकार और तामस प्रवृत्तियों से भी भर देती है। विद्या मन को स्थिर रख मुक्ति की राह उद्घोषित करती विभा है, यह चिंता, अंधविश्वास और अहंकार को हर लेती है।
यह अपने प्रकाश से मनुष्य के भीतर नव ऊर्जा का संचार और जीवन के उद्देश्य के प्रति जागरूकता का बीज रोपित भी करती है। विद्या के अभाव में मनुष्य किसी भी ज्ञान को अर्जित कर लेने के पश्चात भी मस्तिष्क से पशु ही रहता है।
हमारे वेद, पुराण और यहाँ तक की पंचतंत्र की कथाएं, विद्या का अगाध स्रोत हैं। उदहारण स्वरूप: कृष्ण-सुदामा की कथा, दधीचि का त्याग, दानवीर शिबि, हरिश्चन्द्र और कर्ण की गाथाएं, सावित्री-सत्यवान कथा, चार विद्वानों की शेर को जीवित करने की कथा इत्यादि सभी हमें सही गलत का भेद करने में सहायक हैं और जीवन उद्देश्य एवं जन कल्याण की राह भी दिखाती हैं।
आज के परिप्रेक्ष्य में देखें तो शिक्षा प्रणाली के अंक प्रतिशत मानक के कारण छिड़ा रण छात्रों में मूलतः चिंता और संताप भर रहा है। विद्या के आभाव में केवल शिक्षा के मद में झूमता युवा अपनें कर्तव्यों से विमुख हो केवल अतिउन्नति की दिशा में अग्रसर है। इसके परिणाम स्वरूप भारतवर्ष में बढ़ती आत्महत्या की दर, असहिष्णुता, वृद्धाश्रम, धर्मगुरुओं और राजनेताओं का बिन आंकलन समर्थन, धर्मों के बीच बढ़ता विवाद इत्यादि इसी उद्देश्य हीन व्यक्तित्व का प्रतिबिंब मात्र है। इतना ही नहीं प्रकृति और वायु में घुलता गरल, ग्लोबल वार्मिंग इत्यादि भी कर्तव्य विहीन इसी आधुनिक उन्नति के परिणाम हैं।
इस असामाजिक अराजक उन्नति का उत्तरदायित्व केवल शिक्षा प्रणाली के कंधों पर रखना भी उचित नहीं है। स्मरण रहे, शिशु के पहले शिक्षक और गुरु दोनों माता पिता होते हैं। हम सब और हमारा समाज देश को इस स्तिथि में लाने के लिए बराबर के उत्तरदायी हैं।
हमारे भारतवर्ष ने शिक्षा दर में उन्नति की है अब समय है शिक्षा प्रणाली में विद्या को शिक्षा के समान अधिकार देने का, अंततः विद्या और शिक्षा का समावेश ही सही मायनों में हमारे युवाओं को दिशा दिखायेगा, जिसके फलस्वरूप हमारा देश जन कल्याण और मानव प्रगति के मार्ग पर अग्रसर हो सकेगा।
विद्या का अनुसरण कर ही प्रकृति का संतुलन बना रह सकता है, अन्यथा यह आधुनिक विकास आध्यात्मिक गुणों के अभाव में सृष्टि का पूर्णतः नाश करने में समर्थ है।

(विवेक शुक्ला)

Sunday, August 23, 2020

आखिर क्यों | Akhir Kyon


आखिर क्यों | Akhir Kyon

आखिर क्यों मैं इतना निर्लज्ज हुआ,
जो उनका प्यार भुला बैठा,
जिनकी उंगलियां पकड़ कर चलना सीखा,
लाठी मैं उनको थमा बैठा।

वो कल की ही तो बातें थी,
जब तुम मुझे खिलाकर खाते थे,
ज़िम्मेदारियों का बहाना देकर ,
तुम्हारा अथाह स्नेह भुला बैठा।

वो कल की ही तो बातें थी,
जब तुम हर सांझ मेरी राह जोहते थे,
परवाह को बंदिश समझ कर मैं,
तुमको अपशब्द सुना बैठा।

वो कल की ही तो बातें थी,
जब तुम मेरी खातिर मिट्टी के घरौंदे बनाते थे,
तुम्हारा घर तोड़कर मैं,
तुमको वनवास पठा बैठा।

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Politics, Media & We the Idiots

Politics, Media & We the Idiots

Synopsis: This article is giving an insight into today’s degrading standards of politics & media. It also digs deeper to find the actual reason behind our overall loss of commitment as citizen towards our motherland. I concluded it with a path to improve the current situation through a different perspective.

Politics, Media & We the Idiots

“This article is from a common man to our politicians & media houses.  We know you all play “Eyes Spies” pretty well but we are awake” J

I hope you all felt, that the days get hotter, boiling mercury, rising temperature all indicating towards one thing i.e. change in weather.  Contrary, did you also noticed dramatic changes in politics? Yes, your instinct is right, we the biggest democracy in the world are going into elections in a few months.

Election time, it’s time for us as the citizens of this great country to show our power. Our emotions, our anger gets together to cast our vote & select a good government to serve our motherland for the next five years. Which eventually helps in continuous growth & prosperity of our country & us, right? Yes, we believe so, at least it is our part of the story.

“Tricky part: this fairytale is never that easy” J

It seems pretty simple, what’s the problem?  Well, the problem is the other part of the story i.e. the politicians, which eventually are our leaders & they are the one who actually contests in elections & finally have the opportunity to serve for country & keep our faith.

Again, where is the problem? In my view, our weak commitment blend with corrupt political vision is the problem. Politicians see elections as a game as a war to rule to run to establish themselves to feel that ultimate power. Keep it simple elections are no fairytale but a tactical game & politician’s tries to play with our minds.

Have you ever dig, how we make our mind to cast our vote in the first place? Who are these politicians? Are we that stupid that any tom, dick or harry will come & able to play with our minds?

Ideally during casting our votes decision need to be based on facts i.e. when we select our government, we need to observe it & it’s opposition for the next five years on the basis of its overall performance, its progression on its agendas, its stake on right to speak, freedom of press, sense of safety in the mind of every citizen irrespective of its religions within our democratic society i.e. secularism. In addition to it, no loose talks, maintain a discipline & act responsibly in social space as it directly impacts us & our society.

Do we follow this while logging our vote? No, shame on us. Let’s at least agree to disagree that we are complete emotional fools. We called ourselves educated & still get provoked by politically motivated thrash talks. We make our mind while getting spoon feed from media houses, WhatsApp, the political party drove groups/websites & spread that rumours further through our social spaces without a single effort of fact checking against the same. Our FB/Twitter/Instagram/WhatsApp posts are filled with party agendas with communalism, pseudo nationalism, pseudo-secularism, communists, national vs anti-nationalist, right/left/centre wings, shivering of Pakistan, fake news etc. 

What’s wrong with us? What are we doing for our better future & for our country? Where are we, in our own social space?  Our corrupt politicians are spending crores & crores of money on spreading fake propagandas, Ironically we are helping them by buying & selling it for free through our own social spaces. We are arguing, fighting, drawing line within our own society & smiling on our own debacle.

Who are these politicians? They might be corrupt, dirty, liars, planners, plotters, cheaters but you don’t disagree that they are one of us, our leaders are as good as we are.

We are weak, greedy & self-centred people, even when we think about our motherland, we do so by keeping ourselves as the centre of everything. Please understand, our country will only cherish when we leave our “I” & start using “We” as an epicentre at least on social causes.

Now the question arises, How these politicians or the media houses get the strength to run fake propagandas on bright daylight & completely decomposing the real common man issues? Its answer is simple to understand but hard to digest, we the idiots are their strength. We are happily celebrating our own misery & demise of “Voice of dissent”.

Coming back to elections, ohh yes, what are the real issues? Is it North Korea submarine, Hindu in danger, Muslim in danger, right/left/centre wing, reservation, Indo-Pak war, Gandhi Dynasty or the Ram Mandir?

“Where are we in the real issues under official agendas of political parties? First, we need to respect ourselves & then only we can expect respect from others”

Mark my words, if this election will going to be contested on these random, self-created, agenda driven based fake issues then whoever wins we will eventually lose.

The only solution is to raise your “voice”, stop celebrating political drama & start condemning fake/propaganda driven news & grill them. That will force these political parties to prioritise our issues in their agendas & contest the election on that only. In turn, it will also trigger a sense of urgency between their own parties to perform at least on those issues to showcase it on next election in front of us.

“If things will go this way, whoever tom, dick or harry win this election, we eventually come out as the real winners J

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Letter to MJ(Wife), Breaking Stereotype

Dear MJ,

The best thing happen to me is to born & brought up in my family but that's not my decision i.e. by God Grace. Indeed, I can take credit of the next best thing happened to me & that's selection of you as my life partner. Let's brutally honest about myself, I was restless with lots of ideas but less in patience to understand, how to get them executed? 
I was searching for stability in my life & in turn messing it all up. Thanks to you for letting me understand that "a good meaningful life is like climbing a mountain only having up & down's with no stable surface, searching stability in life is no different than dropping from mountain to a valley i.e. running away from life".
I am having no shame in calling you my better half as you indeed is my better half. I was nobody in past and truly I am nowhere close to perfection now but whatever little I am able to achieve today in my personal or professional life is because of you & parents, you provided me that confidence, I don't have to worry much about anything other than my ideas & work. I know & I believe that you will take care of everything else like day to day obstacles within the family, food, others expectations, relationships, social life etc. You are that good & that's too you are doing it, without any complain i.e. Unconditional Love. 
You have given your love & respect to my family & accepted it as your own & that is/was acknowledged within the family & everyone admires you. I am also thankful to you for our beautiful naughty son & we both are trying our best to raise him well, although it is not even needed to be put in here but I have too, on that front also you are playing a better role than me.
A relationship is not all about daylight, we also have our dark as well. We fight for even the silliest of the things & later discuss it & have a laugh together. This is the learning curve of life & all that's put together make it meaningful. The striking thing about myself is I am the most eccentric person you ever get & that's too seems to be an understatement but credit to you for still treating it as nothing & keeping it simple & plain.
What I said above is no exaggeration but the complete truth. We both have mutual love & respect for each other. You are doing much more than what I had done for you but that doesn't mean, that I love you or respect you any less, everyone has its own calibre to express & perform, I hope you understand what I mean......
You help me to understand everything can be achieved but with a condition that you have the right state of mind & when you truly believe that you can pull this off.

"Perfection is all about learning & understanding from imperfection. A man is not called a man till the point he is brave enough to acknowledge & understand his shortcomings...

Thank you my better half & lover still, "MJ".............

Your Everloving Stupid Husband

Friday, November 9, 2018

Life, Gambling & We the Star

Life, Gambling & We the Star

When life is all about ifs & buts, definitely our life is failing with excuses. It's too simple to understand it, basic funda is to try, fail, learn, understand & then try again. Yes, that's it, it's that simple.

Come on but no one finds it that simple, yes that's right too, simply because most of us don't understand this funda & legends don't care :)

Everyone wants to be a hero in his/her own life & again it is thrilling to have a life just like an action/masala movie. Who wants to watch a "documentary"? Even the "biopics" in today's generation are filled with masala & action. If we are that much allergic to real life movies then how can we accept a dull/plain life?

Of course, we want to treat our life as a movie, in which we are the Star, yes that's right that Bigggg Starrrr...

It's lame, we the star are having problems with the movie script Oops with our life. Now the star within us wants to be a scriptwriter too, yes its mesmerizing to be an allrounder. We need to play with the script/life now, as we want to make our life a thrilling masala movie.

Every then & now we start taking chances & gambling with life is the way to go. 

The only problem it has is the original director, GOD. God doesn't play dice & he even doesn't believe in those, who believe in gambling. The reason is pretty basic to understand, God is 16 Kala Sampurna & doesn't make mistakes. Someone who doesn't commit mistakes, never have the opportunity to learn from them & hence he doesn't understand & if someone doesn't understand obviously will not able to do a favour for us even in case he wants too.

God is more like "Shyam Benegal" & help us with pure movies like "Ankur" or "Bharat Ek Khoj". With all our fantasies we want to make "Sabse bada Khiladi" & seriously its neither his cup of tea & nor he is interested in it. Too many conflicts & god decided to left our movie & in the absence of the director, producers to pull their hands from this project.

Now with all our ego, we are like who cares, I am a star & yes a big starrrrrr...

We are all alone to work in this project/movie but even then we keep our head high as we never compromised with our ideas & fantasies, till the point, we realise that it is not a movie but our life damned & we screwed it up.

Life, Gambling & We the Star

Life is not a dream but a reality & we find it too complex & dark to live with. Now we wish that its all may turn out to be a bad dream & we surely wake up & have that simple life again. As Galib said:

Hazaron Khwahishen Aise Ke Har Khwaish Pe Dum Nikle.. Bahut Niklay Mere Armaan Lekin Fir Bhe Kum Nikle...

With all broken dream & fearing reality, we will find evaporation of our ego & then we finally realise "what is photosynthesis". Now "Khatron Ke Khiladi" become "Ramu Kaka" & instead of conflicting with God using dialogues "Mai tujhse kuch nahi mangta" our newly crowned "Ramu Kaka" will complain "Why me God, why me(Mai he kyunnnnnn)...

"It's God turn & now he will not give a damn to it, he seriously doesn't care. The only kind words which enchant our ears are "you deserve it MF...

But you see once a star is always a star, failing is not final. We have our own excuses for each & everything, again as I said life is all about ifs & buts for a failure.

Life, Gambling & We the Star

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nationalism portrayed as Patriotism, IRONY?

Nationalism vs Patriotism

Today, If we search for news(newspaper, news channels or in social media), mostly what we get is about Indo Pak war, Hindu Muslim conflicts & boiling hatred between us. Today the most common thought everyone tries to drive through is either you are Nationalist or Anti-national. Nationalism is portrayed in Canvas as Patriotism irony is most of us are accepting both of them as the same thing.

Nationalism vs Patriotism

"The basic rule of Patriotism is when love for your country & your people come first, Nationalism is when the hate for people other than yours come first"

We all are mature enough to understand this, then why so much fuss & rift? Fact: When about country, everyone tries to drive it through emotions. We all want to serve our country in some way & that is why we are very much get fascinated by the term "Patriotism".  This is the advantage which politicians are always looking for either it is JP Moment, Anna Moment, demonetization, Indo-Pak ties all were/are successful because we believe we are serving for the Nation cause, do we? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
The problem we all have, before supporting such things we never check the actual package but the wrapper & believe whatever it is, I am doing it for Nation cause. While doing so we fall into the trap of being a Nationalist rather that a Patriotic one.

"Patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does"

Somehow, whatever I have written above is covering one face of the betrayed audience, some of us are also opportunist people, having our own agendas, nothing to do with nation cause, our own motives & our own greeds always comes first. Hindu-Muslin hatred, Caste reservations, Quota system & much more blah blah blah, do you think all of this has anything to do with nation cause? No.
These are the people who try to use political parties as tools to support their hidden agendas, either in a frame of communist, nationalist or socialist.

"Democracy get killed that very day when we stop questioning our leaders about their work & start praising them for fooling all of us to fulfil our own greed’s"

Hindu-Muslim hatred is serving in such a way that anyone who supports this is considered as patriotic & who oppose this is termed as "anti-national". Politicians are trying to inject this into our veins & I found them very much successful in doing so.
This thing is such poisonous, that if you speak up the truth, it is creating a rift between friends, family & loved ones. Most of the people who echo that mentality are aggressive as well, they try to bully you, troll you, harass you, defame you. Sometimes you even get the thought "yaar sab mil ke yehi bol rahe hain, kahin ye nafrat he to theek nahi hum sab ke liye, fir baat dhyaan aati hai, ye desh ke liye theek nahi hai".

"Nationalism is an infantile diseaseIt is the measles of mankind."

Now even the crimes are seen through spects of Hindu Muslim hatred
Rape/murder/homicide/genocide to anyone needs to be condemned & we all need to echo our voice in support of the victim to get the justice irrespective of its religion. I have seen people advocating the fact that it was done earlier with people of our religion & now it’s our turn to give them back (Hindu or Muslims), they call themselves "Nationalist". They are feeling even proud of doing so. This mentality is sick & deserve mental treatment "kyonki ye aaj nahi ruka to kal meri kaum ke andar mere he log meri he behan betiyon ke sath ye karenge".

"A criminal is a criminal, a rapist is a rapist, a murderer is a murderer, he doesn't see your surname before committing a crime"

Nationalism kills democracy; they kill each & every voice opposing them.

"Ab kyon bol rahe ho, tab kyon nahi bole. Iss ab tab ke beech be kai wajeef sawaal dafn hain".

Nationalism has nothing to do with nation, they are in fact poison for the developing country because they divide & they rule by creating hatred between all of us. We have witnessed Naziwad of Germany, Faasiwad of Italy in past, That was "Rastravad i.e. Nationalism", what happened? Broken dreams, a disgrace to the country, at last, written apology to the whole world for their thinking & wrongdoing.

"Nationalism is a coalition of pythons, which do nothing for their society but whenever get a chance will take even the last bit of free air from the body of every creature of same society they live"

At last, I was in no mood of writing all this, as it is a very controversial topic & many of you might get offended while reading this blog. It might come as a disappointment, as I am taking a calculative risk of losing my audience. For me, a blog is all about speaking real me & there is no point in hiding, what I feel.

"Mazhab Nahin Sikhata apas Men Bair Rakhna Hindi Hain ham, watan hai Hindustan Hamara, Sare Jahaan se accha Hindustan hamara...."

Nationalism vs Patriotism

Caste Reservation a Boon or a Curse?

Caste Reservation a Boon or a Curse?

I have given my absolute best during my research on caste system & reservation but whenever I tried to write anything about it, I always find myself too mediocre to portray it in the right direction.

"Casteism is a poison which is yet to get an antidote"

The class system was inducted into our culture from the Rig-Vedic period, Intension was to create a healthy society where grades were divided into a framework. The class system was originally segregated in four Varna’s Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas & Shudras. It was originally formed & inducted by keeping karma as the baseline but due to complexity with time "Caste System" took its place & birth was taken as the baseline as it was convenient for a socially stronger section of society to follow.

"My karma will decide my caste, being a Savarna by birth is not a boon but a responsibility"

In the caste system, I describe the magnitude of untouchability taboo for weaker section prior to independence as follows:

If we don't allow other people of the same religion to build their livelihood in the same village we live, don’t allow them to take water from the same well we drink, don't allow them to visit temples, don't allow them to sit with us & don't allow their children’s to even get education, don't allow them to do any respective work/job to earn living & treating them less a human & more as taboo or untouchable.  Then we have no right to complain, how Britishers were treating us & why that socially weaker section (Shudras) were changing their religion from Hindu to Muslim or to Christian.

"Caste is not in the blood through which we can relate with but a sick state of mind which leads to a weak & intolerant society"

In Mahabharata, Karna & Ekalavya were the prime examples of how society treats the lower caste section in the past. Nobody was ready to give them respect, knowledge & treatment they deserve. Whatever they were able to achieve was on the basis of their sheer talent & determination. Keeping karma into account they were true Savarna’s, In addition to it "Karna was even a great donor & often regarded as Danveer Karna".

ऊँच-नीच का भेद  मानेवही श्रेष्ठ ज्ञानी है,
दया-धर्म जिसमें होसबसे वही पूज्य प्राणी है।
क्षत्रिय वहीभरी हो जिसमें निर्भयता की आग,
सबसे श्रेष्ठ वही ब्राह्मण हैहो जिसमें तप-त्याग।

To give representation to socially & educationally weaker section along with SC & ST in public sector, reservation comes into picture during the initial draft of our Constitution. A total of 22.5%(15% to SC & 7.5% to ST) of all central government employment were reserved for them(Jobs, promotions & seniority). It was also mentioned that it needs to be get reviewed after 10years & then parliament will take a call on its progression or suspension.

"Reservation is a dangerous game which government plays to dis-root society to fulfil his hidden greed’s in the name of empowerment"

Years go by, but not does the reservation from Nehru to Indra, Indra to VP/Mandal, Mandal to ABB/kamandal, kamandal to Manmohan, Manmohan to Modi. Review in parliament never happened, all thanks to great caste & vote bank politics. Strangely reservation exceeded from 22.5 to 49.5% now (27% OBC) & it was even granted for all public educations institutions as well.

"Caste system is like a Chameleon having many shades each one is more poisonous than the other one"

The intention behind the induction of cast reservation was government will bring social & educational reforms so that socially weaker section will get the opportunity to educate themselves (academic & socially) & further get the representation with the help of reservation in society. It was expected that with time, the socially weaker section will get its representation in society & we will reach a stage that reservation will be no longer required. Contrary, social reforms never came & only beneficiaries of reservation were the non-deserving creamy layer of the socially weaker section.

"A nation/society will lose its shine & talent when undeserving people will start getting praise & opportunity from politicians in the name of caste reservation"

You will find it hard to digest that we have 27% of reservation for OBC but only 12% seats are actually filled in public sector & it is not allowed to fill the backlog with deserving candidates (Non-reservation). The question arises, why it is like such? The reason is even harder to understand, the dropout rate for the socially weaker section till secondary education is still more than 83% which was 97% at the time of independence, strange? Let me make you even more familiar with statistics out of rest 17% only 9% will reach up-to higher education & more than 50% of that 9% is from the creamy layer of the socially weaker section.

"The section which is socially & educationally weaker & actually need this reservation, never stand a chance"

What is the creamy layer? Son of an SC/ST/OBC government employee or an MLA/MP called as the creamy layer as they are no longer socially & educationally weaker & do not need any reservation. Contrary, That section is getting that quota reservation(most of them are non-deserving) & deserving candidate will lose the opportunity due to this flawed system. An amendment came to restrict the creamy layer to get the reservation but as expected its implementation is far from reality.

"Harijan to wahin hain aur ab sath me Savarn ke halat bhe kharab hai, fayada to har baar ke tarah unn avasar vadiyon ne he uthaya hai"

History has shown us, politicians & rulers always divide us to rule. Mugals, Britishers & our own black/brown Indians are no different, they are all from the same breed called as politics. Lalu, Nitish, Mulayam are OBC & Mayawati, Ramvilas & Ram Nath Kovind are Dalits. Though most of them are not using reserved seats to contest the election but every single political party is guilty of using caste card during the election & thereafter. They just want all of us to see ourselves as the victim of other Varna’s/Caste & in-turn help them to fulfil their hidden greed’s via vote bank & caste politics.

"Sarkar parda numayish ke hunar se khoob wakif hai, ye har uthne wale wajib sawal par Shavarno aur Daliton ka parda daal deti hai...........

Caste reservation is all about representation of socially & educationally weaker section (both criteria need to be fulfilled) in public sector/society, which also faced caste discrimination over a period of time, it is not a reform to empower the poor’s. One such PIL from a poor Brahmin boy was rejected by giving the same explanation "though this Savarna boy is poor but never faced such discrimination or representation crisis in society".

"Don't allow caste to dictate your fate, It is just a state of mind a notion, life is much more beyond this"

I deliberately portray this subject as a story rather than keeping it straight on data & statistics as it is a blog & my intention is to find the right direction rather than cursing our past as a documentary. In my opinion, caste reservation was inducted as a boon in the constitution for weaker section & with time our politics have turned it into a curse for everyone & for generations to come.

"As per Bhagwat Geeta everyone is Shudra by birth & I am no different; I will not use my caste to defend myself, let my karma speak about me"

Caste Reservation

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Degradation of Humanism: Breaking Stereotype


      The journey from home to workplace & vice versa is not only about physical exhaustion but more about the dissolution of personality. We can’t describe it as the struggle, a struggle is more to do with temporary obstacles. We all are living/performing in two Trans in a single frame. Contrary to perceptions life outside is a bit easy in comparison to life within, it takes more than the assurance to please ourselves & only final effort counts.

“Inner core is the courage who keeps you relevant irrespective of how difficult will be the time”

     My intention is not to go hard on circumstances but more to do with degrading lifestyles. People don’t have much time for themselves & they still talking about conquering the world. These days it’s rare to have a healthy discussion within & so reflects on the personality as well. Glossy smile, people struggling with keeping patience, we rarely see off others, resistance to failures not by improving but through ignorance & of course imaginary social media life.

     I am not saying we were perfect in the past & we faltered now. In fact, it’s no exaggeration, If I say we are as stupid in past as we are now but with time we have lost humanism a bit, we have lost the art of self-realization & to share to express it with others. It was common in the past that we all have some story to tell irrespective of how mediocre we were. The success, the failures, the struggle, the regrets, the proud moments, the pinch & all of these laced together with emotions to form a meaningful life & we were no short of ideas to had a healthy discussion.

“Every life irrespective of how ordinary it is having many unfolds tales to tell…..


       I am not sure when we started thinking this way that unfolding ourselves with our close buddies would present ourselves weak. When we turn so diluted, that now the discussion is only limited to exaggerating self-epithet, politics & back-bitching of others, its plain negativity. Not sure how spreading negativity will help us to present ourselves in a stronger frame?

      On the contrary in process of proving ourselves superior to others, we are ignorant to inner voice & in the absence of soul's voice, we start believing that what negative illusion we are spreading outside is actually our inner voice. This is called “degradation of humanism”. Ironically we lost ourselves & turned into a feed data robotic machine which believes what we said, what we heard & what we interpreted are all true & in the interest of our family & our nation. We are celebrating this as festival & our soul is crying as we have lost our “strength of dissent”.



     I am having no shame in accepting that my two-year-old son is far more human than me. If you compare the behavioural aspects towards those poor’s to which even after sharing a penny or so & that’s too with some distance, I felt good about myself. My son is bit different, he even doesn’t care about protocols, the standards the hierarchy,  if someone shows his love irrespective of how poor it is my son don’t shy to show it back, he sits on his lap & pampers him i.e. unconditional love. He is filled with Ideas & never be shy about sharing/expressing them with us & don’t get mistaken it is not only about good things, but he also shares his stupidity, his failures, his struggles & most of all his naughty point of view.  It gives him a space to improve himself by getting feedback from our experiences.

     At this point, you all may think that how stupid I am to compare the adulthood with infant life as with time & age his behaviour & attitude to deal with different situations will change & I agree to it. That’s my point, why it happens?

    I have given two example first demonstrate our failure to understand humanity, most of the times giving money to beggars are not actually helping them but pulling them further towards deep dark reality of poverty & human trafficking, on the contrary side my son gestures show them the respect/love they deserve & it’s more about breaking stereotypes, it gives everyone a message that we all are on the same page begging is not an option & we all need to work hard to earn every penny.

        The second example shows us about our reality, most of us are all weak to acknowledge our struggle, failures, mistakes & only admits success & that creates an illusion of a perfection which we never were/are

“In process of achieving a single objective in outside world by ignoring our inner voice, we are unconsciously losing much more important battles within….

       It is not that hard to correct lifestyles, the only hard part is to take initiative. Talk to yourself more often & search for the solutions, doesn’t shy to express yourself with close buddies, admit your failures & work on them, rest your inner voice will keep you on the ground & more human.

“Living life is only for those who understand & conquer the conflicts within, whom able to see themselves in the mirror, otherwise we all know how it feels to take the breath & live like a machine…..


@Viv Amazing Life

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